The Perfect Timing: Taking Chances

“You are single, and probably a mom too.  Do not be afraid to take chances.” Taking Chances.  This phrase sounded really a bit scary to me because who knows what is there at the borderline.  I was afraid it could be another disaster or distraction and destruction.  Oh no, I thought I wasn’t ready forContinue reading “The Perfect Timing: Taking Chances”

The Perfect Timing : Wait Patiently

So I came up to a reflection. I looked at my self and I realized; I was maybe conforming to what the society dictates. However I acknowledge that I absolutely would need a man. A man to condiment my life and to share my happiness with, to add hues to its colors. Not a man to have only for the sake of just having a man around. Do not hurry and do not compromise your life and happiness for anything that will not make you really happy.